Game List

Pitstop Cafe although is pretty young, we do have a wide selection of games, toys and interesting activities for all you folks out there. Below is a list of the games that has been played by the folks over at Pitstop Cafe.

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Game List in Alphabetical Order

  1. Alhambra
  2. Amun-Re
  3. Apples to Apples
  4. Around The World In 80 Days
  5. Balderdash
  6. Balloon Cup
  7. Bang
  8. Battle Lore
  9. Betrayal at House on the Hill
  10. Big Manitou
  11. Blokus
  12. Blokus (2 players)
  13. Blokus (Trigon)
  14. Blue Moon City
  15. Bluff & Peg
  16. Bohnanza
  17. Boomtown
  18. Brainstrain
  19. Bucket Brigade
  20. Burg Appenzell
  21. Buzz Word
  22. Carcassonne
  23. Cards for Settlers of Catan
  24. Cartegena
  25. Cash and Guns
  26. Catch Phrase (electronic)
  27. Category 5
  28. Chez Geek
  29. Chicken Cha Cha Cha
  30. China
  31. Citadels
  32. Cleopatra
  33. Cloud 9
  34. Clue
  35. Cluedo
  36. Cluzzle
  37. Coda
  38. Coloretto
  39. Colosseum
  40. Corner
  41. Cranium
  42. Cranium (Hoopla )
  43. Cranium Booster box 1
  44. Cranium Cadoo (for kids)
  45. Cutthroat Cavern
  46. Da Vinci Challenge
  47. David & Goliath
  48. Dawn Under
  49. Democrazy
  50. Dividends
  51. Dog's Life
  52. Dungeon Twister
  53. El Grande
  54. Evo
  55. Family Business
  56. Fearsome Floors
  57. FHM playing card
  58. First Hand
  59. For Sale
  60. Frag
  61. Funny Friends
  62. Galloping pigs
  63. Gang of Four
  64. Gate International
  65. Gift Trap
  66. Giza
  67. Gloom
  68. Go
  69. Granny Apples
  70. Grass
  71. Great Dalmuti
  72. Guesstures
  73. Guillotine
  74. Halla Galli
  75. Halla Galli (advance)
  76. Handy
  77. Hansa
  78. Hare and tortoise
  79. Hera and Zeus
  80. Hey That's My Fish
  81. High Society
  82. Hit or Miss
  83. Hit the Deck
  84. Hoity Toity
  85. Hollywood Block Buster
  86. Igloo Pop
  87. I'm The Boss
  88. Imaginiff
  89. Imaginiff (revised edition)
  90. Ingenious
  91. Intrigue
  92. Jambo
  93. Jenga
  94. Jungle Speed
  95. Jurassic Jumble
  96. Ka Ching
  97. Kill Doctor Lucky
  98. Kings Keep
  99. Landlord
  100. Lifeboats
  101. Loco
  102. Loot
  103. Lord of the Rings
  104. Lord of the Rings (Boardgame)
  105. Lost Cities
  106. Louis XIV
  107. Lupus in Tabula
  108. Maharaja
  109. Mama Mia!
  110. Mag Blast 3rd Edition
  111. Mall Of Horror
  112. Management Material
  113. MegaStar
  114. Memoir 44
  115. Modern Art
  116. Monkeys on the Moon
  117. Monopoly (Deluxe)
  118. Monopoly (Nintendo)
  119. Monopoly (Singapore)
  120. Monopoly (Spongebob Square pant)
  121. Munchkin
  122. Mystery of the Abbey
  123. No Thanks
  124. O Zoo le Mio
  125. Once Upon A Time
  126. Pandemic
  127. Phase 10
  128. Pickomino
  129. Pictionary
  130. Pig pile
  131. Pimp
  132. Pirate's Cove
  133. Pit
  134. Play Doh
  135. Poison
  136. Pop Belly
  137. Power Grid
  138. Puerto Rico
  139. Queen's necklace
  140. Quelf
  141. Racko
  142. Rat a tat cat
  143. Reef Encounter
  144. Reversi (pocket magnetic)
  145. Risk (2210 A.D.)
  146. Rummy-O
  147. Rushhour
  148. Saboteur
  149. Santiago
  150. Scotland Yard
  151. Scrabble
  152. Secret Tyuana Death Match
  153. Sequence
  154. Settlers of Catan
  155. Shadows over Gamelot
  156. Shangri La
  157. Shear Panic
  158. Ship Wrecked
  159. Simon Trickster
  160. Sinply Suspect
  161. Slamwich
  162. Smart Ass
  163. Snorta
  164. Snout
  165. Sorry!
  166. Space Go
  167. Spy Alley
  168. Squint
  169. St Petersburg
  170. Stampede
  171. Stonehenge
  172. Swap
  173. Taboo
  174. Taluva
  175. The Bridges of Shangari La
  176. The Game of Life
  177. The game of Scttergories
  178. The Game Strategy for the whole family
  179. The Great Dalmuti
  180. The Haunting House
  181. The MAD Magazine Game
  182. The Motley's Fool of Buy Low Sell High
  183. The Pillars of the Earth
  184. The Settlers of Catan
  185. The Settlers of Zarahemla
  186. The Simpsons 3-D Chess
  187. The Traders of Genoa
  188. Thre Princes of Florence
  189. Through the Desert
  190. Thurn and taxis
  191. Ticket to Ride (Europe)
  192. Ticket to Ride (Marklin)
  193. Ticket to Ride (Switzerland)
  194. Ticket to Ride (US)
  195. Topple
  196. Tower of Babel
  197. Trans Europa
  198. Travel Scrabble Deluxe
  199. Truth or fib
  200. Tutankhamen's Revenge
  201. Ubongo
  202. Ugly Dolls
  203. Uno
  204. Uno Stacko
  205. Villa Paletti
  206. Walk the Dogs
  207. Weinhandler
  208. Wild Life
  209. Winner's Circle
  210. Wits & Wagers
  211. Word jam
  212. Yahtzee
  213. Zooleretto
New games are being added constantly. So check out Pitstop and ask for recommendations from our friendly people.