Pitstop Cafe although is pretty young, we do have a wide selection of games, toys and interesting activities for all you folks out there. Below is a list of the games that has been played by the folks over at Pitstop Cafe.
You can also purchase some of your favorite games at http://pitstopshop.blogspot.com
Game List in Alphabetical Order
- Alhambra
- Amun-Re
- Apples to Apples
- Around The World In 80 Days
- Balderdash
- Balloon Cup
- Bang
- Battle Lore
- Betrayal at House on the Hill
- Big Manitou
- Blokus
- Blokus (2 players)
- Blokus (Trigon)
- Blue Moon City
- Bluff & Peg
- Bohnanza
- Boomtown
- Brainstrain
- Bucket Brigade
- Burg Appenzell
- Buzz Word
- Carcassonne
- Cards for Settlers of Catan
- Cartegena
- Cash and Guns
- Catch Phrase (electronic)
- Category 5
- Chez Geek
- Chicken Cha Cha Cha
- China
- Citadels
- Cleopatra
- Cloud 9
- Clue
- Cluedo
- Cluzzle
- Coda
- Coloretto
- Colosseum
- Corner
- Cranium
- Cranium (Hoopla )
- Cranium Booster box 1
- Cranium Cadoo (for kids)
- Cutthroat Cavern
- Da Vinci Challenge
- David & Goliath
- Dawn Under
- Democrazy
- Dividends
- Dog's Life
- Dungeon Twister
- El Grande
- Evo
- Family Business
- Fearsome Floors
- FHM playing card
- First Hand
- For Sale
- Frag
- Funny Friends
- Galloping pigs
- Gang of Four
- Gate International
- Gift Trap
- Giza
- Gloom
- Go
- Granny Apples
- Grass
- Great Dalmuti
- Guesstures
- Guillotine
- Halla Galli
- Halla Galli (advance)
- Handy
- Hansa
- Hare and tortoise
- Hera and Zeus
- Hey That's My Fish
- High Society
- Hit or Miss
- Hit the Deck
- Hoity Toity
- Hollywood Block Buster
- Igloo Pop
- I'm The Boss
- Imaginiff
- Imaginiff (revised edition)
- Ingenious
- Intrigue
- Jambo
- Jenga
- Jungle Speed
- Jurassic Jumble
- Ka Ching
- Kill Doctor Lucky
- Kings Keep
- Landlord
- Lifeboats
- Loco
- Loot
- Lord of the Rings
- Lord of the Rings (Boardgame)
- Lost Cities
- Louis XIV
- Lupus in Tabula
- Maharaja
- Mama Mia!
- Mag Blast 3rd Edition
- Mall Of Horror
- Management Material
- MegaStar
- Memoir 44
- Modern Art
- Monkeys on the Moon
- Monopoly (Deluxe)
- Monopoly (Nintendo)
- Monopoly (Singapore)
- Monopoly (Spongebob Square pant)
- Munchkin
- Mystery of the Abbey
- No Thanks
- O Zoo le Mio
- Once Upon A Time
- Pandemic
- Phase 10
- Pickomino
- Pictionary
- Pig pile
- Pimp
- Pirate's Cove
- Pit
- Play Doh
- Poison
- Pop Belly
- Power Grid
- Puerto Rico
- Queen's necklace
- Quelf
- Racko
- Rat a tat cat
- Reef Encounter
- Reversi (pocket magnetic)
- Risk (2210 A.D.)
- Rummy-O
- Rushhour
- Saboteur
- Santiago
- Scotland Yard
- Scrabble
- Secret Tyuana Death Match
- Sequence
- Settlers of Catan
- Shadows over Gamelot
- Shangri La
- Shear Panic
- Ship Wrecked
- Simon Trickster
- Sinply Suspect
- Slamwich
- Smart Ass
- Snorta
- Snout
- Sorry!
- Space Go
- Spy Alley
- Squint
- St Petersburg
- Stampede
- Stonehenge
- Swap
- Taboo
- Taluva
- The Bridges of Shangari La
- The Game of Life
- The game of Scttergories
- The Game Strategy for the whole family
- The Great Dalmuti
- The Haunting House
- The MAD Magazine Game
- The Motley's Fool of Buy Low Sell High
- The Pillars of the Earth
- The Settlers of Catan
- The Settlers of Zarahemla
- The Simpsons 3-D Chess
- The Traders of Genoa
- Thre Princes of Florence
- Through the Desert
- Thurn and taxis
- Ticket to Ride (Europe)
- Ticket to Ride (Marklin)
- Ticket to Ride (Switzerland)
- Ticket to Ride (US)
- Topple
- Tower of Babel
- Trans Europa
- Travel Scrabble Deluxe
- Truth or fib
- Tutankhamen's Revenge
- Ubongo
- Ugly Dolls
- Uno
- Uno Stacko
- Villa Paletti
- Walk the Dogs
- Weinhandler
- Wild Life
- Winner's Circle
- Wits & Wagers
- Word jam
- Yahtzee
- Zooleretto
New games are being added constantly. So check out Pitstop and ask for recommendations from our friendly people.